A salty and sweet act accompanied by "More Bumps and Grinds"! Classic and fun, this striptease will leave you wanting to go to the lobby! The best part is the prize inside the box!
Winner: Funniest Performer at
The Great Southern Exposure Burlesque Festival 2013
Prismatic Vision Photography)
"French Poodle"
One look at this number and you'll be exclaming "down boy!" Set to the song by Sam Butera and the Witnesses, French Poodle is a glitzy gallivant that leaves the audience begging for more!
J. Andrew Thames)
A golden showgirl who gets what she wants! Paired with the song stylings of Sarah Vaughan and Barry Manilow, Lola is a hilariously enticing performance that will keep audiences captivated.
Ron Tencati)
"God Save The Killer Queen"
She may be elderly, but when "Killer Queen" by Queen comes on...she can't help but shake her diamond jubilees! This number shows audiences you are never too old to be a bombshell, especially from Britain!
J. Andrew Thames)
"Whipped Cream"
Always one to shake things up, this adorable 60s inspired routine featuring the titular title by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass will leave you with with a smile on your face and a taste for something sweet!
Ed Ballotts)
It doesn't have to be spring time for this little bee to come out and play! Set to the 50s classic "Honey Rock" by Barney Kessel and the modern hit "Canned Heat" by Jamiroquai, this burlesque bug doesn't let anything keep her down. She's always ready to dance it out!
J. Andrew Thames)